Friday 24 December 2010

The end

Oh dear oh dear... I'm a fail in keeping blogs and journals... OTL

I should use this blog more as a inspiration blog, but I'm so lazy xD
But I'm going to do my best to put more on here in 2011!
Time is going so fast... it scares me!

Happy holidays everyone~
And I wish you all an amazing, magical, glittery and sparkling 2011!

I also finally updated my photography blog...
I'm thinking of useing tumblr for that.. does anyone knows if that will work better for me?

Thank you all for reading this <3


  1. Oh! An update!
    Where have you been??
    Hm, in my opinion, there's no reason to switch between mini blogs, since they're all pretty much the same. Do it only if you really feel affinity towards the one you want to transfer to.

    Happy Holidays to you too!

  2. Hey, thanks for the comment. :)

    Tumblr might be better. I hear it's "the easy way to blog", but really - what could be easier than blogger? Tumblr also has some really nice layouts - for free! <3 Do what you will, and thanks! I hope your holidays were happy, as well, lol. :D
