Monday 21 June 2010

Every second is a lifetime

Today I went to my new room in Rotterdam *_*
It's so strange xD
I went there for sizes and measurements of the room and then hopefully I can start with painting and buying furniture for my room! \8D/
I want my room a little nature like... with trees and easy colours. (and alot of pura posters of course... because I'll still be a geek/dork)

Though because of my work (I work 5 days) I don't have much time for my room... as my room isn't very close by :'D But I hope to start next week!

I should start with doing creative things again... I've been so uncreative recently ;-;
maybe tonight???

Hurts - Better than love


  1. Oh, so have you gotten the news about whether you've gotten in that art school or not yet, then? 8'O
    And I love that feeling; having an entire room to make however I'd wish *___* I would go crazy and explode ahhaha (but then, as you said, then there needs to be time for it, too) and the inner dork in people always shine through in the end, there's no way of really hiding it. 8D ♥

  2. Well as far as I know I'm going to that art school! 8D
    Haha yes I have many ideas, but it isn't very big though, but hopefully enough to live in.
